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copyright: O. Blümel 








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all rights reserved ©


copyright: O. Blümel 






Sometimes you feel lost


Like in winter in heavy frost    



No one is there - to keep you up


Just the emptiness - no stop



Feel the cold - and the full the pain


No more thinking with your brain



Like a slap - hard in your face


In that point - she shows no grace



She beats you down


she hurts you cruel


You´re Lying there - a big sad fool



No feelings for you anymore


Just kidding you – but real hardcore



No light that shows the way outside


My feelings for you - nowhere to hide



    Hear her laugh: „You stupid one“ –

 "Think it was love?

I had some fun!

 Had no real feelings – not for you!

I despise you - for everything  you  do"


So - she sees you lying in the grass


How stupid I lately was




To thought she liked me very much


It was a dream – that didn´t touch.